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Legalisation of Moroccan/Mauritanian/Tunisian Documents to be used in Thailand

* The Royal Thai Embassy will only accept Moroccan/Mauritanian/Tunisian documents and the English translations that have been legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Morocco, Mauritanian or Tunisian in accordance with Morocco, Mauritania, or Tunisia laws.

** For use in Thailand, the documents that have already been legalised by the Royal Thai Embassy must also be legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand (the Department of Consular Affairs or its legalisation offices, please contact +66 2572 8442 for details)

Required Documents

1. Completed and signed legalisation form (Download the file below)
2. Moroccan/Mauritanian/Tunisian documents and the English translations for legalisation *and* a copy of all the documents (all pages) [must have been legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the respective countries]
3. A copy of the applicant's ID card / Residence card or passport

Fee  MAD 200.-  for 1 legalisation stamp

Processing Time   5 business days



Legalisation of Thai Documents to be used Abroad

* The Royal Thai Embassy will only accept Thai documents and the English translations that have been legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand. 

Required Documents

1. Completed and signed legalisation form (Download the file below)
2. Thai documents and the English translations for legalisation *and* a copy of all the documents (all pages) [must have been legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand]
3. A copy of the applicant's ID card / Residence Card or passport

Fee  MAD 200.- for 1 legalisation stamp

Processing Time  5 business days

For more information and appointments, please contact the Royal Thai Embassy in Rabat at [email protected] or 05 37 63 46 03/04 in advance.


